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WhatWhen is the HIGHEST level of AI Lead Generation & AI optimization on the market.

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Our Main Tools

Get B2B Leads At The Click Of A Button

Our platform is the first of its kind AI search engine. By using our proprietary AI lead scoring we're able to provide thousands of ready to go deals, as well as effective insights and tools to close the deal.

AI Deal Explorer

  • Over 35k+ ready to go deals
  • Monthly revenue calculation
  • 1-Click AI Analysis
  • AI lead scoring and insights
  • New deals every hour

AI Niche Finder

  • Find 1000s+ of leads
  • Unlimited searches
  • Unlimited niches
  • Easy to use
  • Ad history for all leads

What People Are Saying About

Don't just take our word for it. Read what our first customers have to say about us.

Breaking Barriers

As a newcomer to the industry, I faced countless obstacles. LeadFinder became my secret weapon. It didn't just find leads; it opened doors I didn't know existed. The AI-powered insights helped me understand my market better, and the automated outreach tools saved me precious time. This tool doesn't just level the playing field—it gives underdogs like me a chance to shine

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Yuki Tanaka
Austin, TX

Scaling New Heights

I dreamed of scaling my business, but the path seemed unclear. LeadFinder turned that dream into reality. Its ability to uncover high-quality leads in niche markets was a game-changer. The customizable search parameters allowed me to zero in on my ideal clients, and the integration with my CRM streamlined our entire sales process. It's not just a tool; it's the catalyst that propelled my business to new heights.

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Justin Shafier
Miami, FL

From Struggle to Success

Starting over in a new country was daunting, especially in the competitive world of digital marketing. LeadFinder became my lifeline. Its user-friendly interface made lead generation accessible, even with my limited tech background. The AI-suggested outreach strategies helped me connect with clients in a way that felt authentic and culturally sensitive. Thanks to LeadFinder, I've not only found my footing but I'm thriving in my new home.

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Elena Kovacs
Kirkland, WA
Options for everyone

Become an AI-Powered SMM Business with every plan

Our All-In-One Package includes all the features you need to grow your social media marketing business.

Your All-In-One Package has all these features included:

  • AI Deal Finder
  • AI Niche Finder
  • Over 6 million leads
  • Unlimited Searches
  • Unlimited Niches
  • Fully customizable
  • AI Analysis
  • AI Power Search
  • and more!

6 Months

Most popular
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What Is Lead Finder?

Lead Finder helps you find B2B Leads in any category in the US. All leads can be exported. With just the input of a location and a keyword, our software will find leads for your business.

Our system includes the following:

  • Up to 2000 Business Leads per search
  • Business Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Research Link to Google
  • Social Media Handles (Instagram, Facebook and TikTok)

New features:

  • AI Estimated Client Budget
  • Track which leads are actively running paid ads on Facebook/Instagram, Google and TikTok
  • Link to Meta Ad Library
  • CRM Software Included

Additional features:

  • CSV Export Options
  • Free Basic Use (Business Name, If they're running ads, mobile friendly etc but not exportable)

Frequently asked questions